Mar 20 2022
Mark Daugherty
Reservation Number : 31114
Property Name : Frannies Lake
Reservation Date : 03/17/2022 All Day - 03/17/2022 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : 42 bass up to 5.82 / 8 harvested, 21 crappie harvested
Lures Used : Most effective were: paddletail both with and without flashy swimmer
Back on Thursday, fellow PWFer David Felton and I had a good day on Frannie's. It was a really breezy day with southeasterly winds to 19 and gusts to 28, so holding positions with the pontoon boat was wishful thinking but with prefrontal conditions the fishing was good. The short of it; we landed 42 bass and 21 crappie. We could have gone out there with a single combo for each of us as we could only get them to take a 3.8 paddletail in shad colors either with or without a flashy swimmer underspin. We never tried to target the crappie but couldn't keep them off of the swimbait. If you have an outing there coming up and want to bag some of them, you could drop down to a 2.8 and focus in 3 to 4 FOW along the northern shoreline as it diagonals west to east.
In addition to good numbers of bass, the quality was up there with David landing a prespawn 5.82 chunk. Between us we also had four over 4, and a dozen over 3. The bass were scattered with the bulk of them in the shallows (see note on crappie above) and a few good ones from the sticks in 8 or 9 FOW.
Get out there if you can!
Mar 20 2022
David Felton
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I'm glad Mark decided to start off the day with the swimbait to show they would bite something. On this day they were not interested in ANYTHING ELSE! Everytime I put it down to try something else, he would catch another one, and I would have to pick it back up to get bit. What a fun day of fishing at a great property!