Lee Lake 3/19/22

Mar 20 2022

Joe V. Smith


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Reservation Number : 31615
Property Name : Lee Lake
Reservation Date : 03/19/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 36 bass 3 1/2 lbs to 12"
Lures Used : worms & wacky

 Fished lee Lake Saturday from 9:30 am to 5pm . I arrived a little before 8am but at 39 degrees it was too cold for me so I waited. Also left early because I did not want to drive across Ft Worth in the dark. The lake is 4 ½ ft low,water is dingy,visibilty 18” and the vegetation has not started to take off yet. This is a 30 ac lake so there is a lot of water left to fish. The strong winds durning the past week would account for the water being dingy.

I finished with 36 bass with the largest two being 3 ½ bls & 3 ¼ lbs.There were 8 under 14”. I did not get a strike until 10:30 am and was beginning to feel discouraged. At that point I saw a little movement on the opening of the cove I was fishing so I cast over there and started to catch fish. They were in shallow water in the middle of the cove and around the humps ,which are only 18” below the sufrace at this level. I did not get anying thing along the shore line until around 4pm and leaving at 5 pm I did not have time to try much of that.

I got everything on the opposite side of the dam and opposite the boat dock. They were in the opening of the cove and around the humps..  Used 4” yum dinger wat/red and marti gras. Both tx rig and wacky with 1/32 wt. Tried other things but the 4” plastics worked best