Mar 20 2022
Franklin Hamra
Reservation Number : 31643
Property Name : Julian Lake
Reservation Date : 03/17/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 14 total LMB / 10-16”
Lures Used : Black choppo n=7; Senko-WR n=5; orange chatterbait n=1, trench hog n=1
Sunny day on a beautiful lake at ~10am with water at 62F and ~12-24” water clarity. Fairly windy day 10-15mph gusts in 20s. The lake has super easy acess and is on an exceptionally well maintained property, dock and dock area that you can park right next too to set up fish camp for the day.
Slow start with chatterbaits, rattletrap, dark jigs only sticking 1 catch, before trying top water on sallow west side of lake that elicited a blow up on almost every cast using a black Choppo, but with a painfully low hookup ratio....
Still, that was too much fun to give up on and I continued to scope for spots using the choppo for a couple hours until I took a break to cool off back at fish camp.
Interesting thing is that the bass would not touch a traditional black frog or a very similar size/softer sounding prop frog (lunkerhunter; natural frog mostly white on the belly) when tested in the same spots?
Front moved in about 4pm with light scattered showers with water up to ~65F by 5pm. I put on the senko WR for those last couple hours and caught 5 more before packing it in. Water temps seemed a bit higher overall than expected, but correlated with top water avtivity, so hopefully my thermometer is calibrated right…..
All and all it was a excellent memorable outing on an outstanding lake in Goose Paradise. I can’t wait to try lake Julian again.
Mar 20 2022
Steve Alexander
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Thanks for making your first report. Julian lake has been with the club nearly 20 years. It is a cool set up.