Mar 18 2022
Joshua Massoud
Reservation Number : 31489
Property Name : MK Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/16/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 6 up to 4ish
Lures Used : Variety - TRIG/Wacky were best
Fished with fellow member Glenn Armstrong on Wednesday. I picked MK Ranch because it had a pontoon and was within 8 min of my club lake (I had to receive a shipment of some new bass at 10:30am). Fishing was slow but we had opportunities for many more than the number we got to the boat.
Water was stained but still had good visiblity – water temp was about 55, which was lower than I thought it might be. Wind was light and variable.
I only caught 1, it was a nice sized female that had posted up in a pocket and was looking to bed. I hooked several others and I’m not sure if I just needed to switch hooks or was tired, but had them come off about halfway to the boat.
Glenn caught a few on a trig and on a wacky rig in about 5 FOW with fish that were staged and ready to move up.
We fished the middle of the lake with the timber but didn’t get any bites there.
Were without electronics so just trying to fish blind and hit high probability areas where fish might be staged.
Left around 2pm.
Was my first time fishing with Glenn and was happy to talk through things with a fellow member.
Hope to do it again in April and have a bit better execution!