Had a Blast at Hickory Creek Ranch Big Lake

Mar 11 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 31506
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 03/10/2022 All Day - 03/10/2022 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : 40+
Lures Used : Senko, Brush Hog, Square Bill

I met my younger brother at Hickory Creek Ranch (larger lake only) and we fished the day. It is a 2.5 hour drive for both of us, so we got to the lake around 9:30 and launched our kayaks for a day of fishing. Started off around the island and caught a few up against the bank and looked like some bass are on their beds. I moved to the oposit side of the lake in the deeper water and as I passed the area, I saw a lot of underwater brush piles with lots of fish in the brush moving around. I have Live Scope, so could easily see them. I started catching fish quickly and called my brother to come there also and he caught fish too. They would stop biting after a bit and then start again a bit later. We did that for a while and would leave area for a while to catch fish on the beds and then go back to the brush piles after a while to catch higher numbers.

We culled only 4 bass and caught over 40 nice bass. Most every bass we caught were much more than the 14” size to cull and I weighted mine and had all bass in the 2-3 lb size which are great sizef fish. They put on a nice fight. My brother caught most of the fish and I caught 13 but lost more than that. I was using a 6” brush hog and think maybe I would have lost less on the small brush hogs as I would get them near the boat and they released but when I looked at the bait, the hook was still in the top side of the plastic which makes me think they just bit the back side of the bait and not got hooked. Lesson learned. Needed the smaller Brush Hog available, but that was all I had in Brush Hogs. Caught several on a Senko worm and also a Salt and Pepper Fluke and those fish were hooked well but Brush Hog seemed to get more bites. 

Met the owner of the property and was very nice and informative. I thanked him for offering this beautiful property to be available and he said he appreciated the club since they have helped cull so many smaller fish. Last July, I fished the lake and caught mostly smaller fish but this time, almost nothing but very nice sized fish and is bound to get even better over time.

I will definately be back again. The water was quite low from last time I went and the owner said he found out a valve was cracked and leaking out water after last years hard freeze and didn’t catch it for a long time and when he realize lake was dropping level, he fixed it but lost several feet of water and lack of rain hasn’t allowed lake to rise back to normal pool level. They need rain.

Mar 11 2022

Joshua Massoud


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Awesome! Nice work Dale!

Mar 11 2022

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for the report. This lake is a testament that it is possible to take a lake full of 8-12” bass and turning it around with patience, a nice budget and a  sound managment strategy. Kind of proud of this one. Our members, through aggresive harvesting, were and are a huge part of the success.Thank you members for harvesting the small bass when we ask you to and not harvesting when we ask that you not harvest. 

Mar 11 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Steve Alexander

Thanks for the report. This lake is a testament that it is possible to take a lake full of 8-12” bass and turning it around with patience, a nice budget and a  sound managment strategy. Kind of proud of this one. Our members, through aggresive harvesting, were and are a huge part of the success.Thank you members for harvesting the small bass when we ask you to and not harvesting when we ask that you not harvest. 

Yes Steve, Wade mentioned how helpfulyou were in making this a great fishery.

Mar 12 2022

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Dale Stagg

Yes Steve, Wade mentioned how helpfulyou were in making this a great fishery.

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