Good to get out and away from doing my taxes

Mar 06 2022

Robert Lundin


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Reservation Number : 31449
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 03/05/2022 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 8. All in the 16/17” except 1 12”
Lures Used : Frogs and wacky worms

The wind was howling 25 mph with higher gusts. We need a real soaker to refill the lake.  I can't remember seeing Jer Mar this low since I think 2007.  Still plenty of water to fish.  Frogs and worms were the ticket today. Red Shad was the color of the day. Did see I believe was a western ribbon snake.  That was a first for me.  We had  a good afternoon just wishing the wind got the message about us fishing.  We threw back 7 that were 16/17” and healthy.