Mar 04 2022
Bruce Prindle
Reservation Number : 31375
Property Name : Hidden Springs Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/03/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 2 to 9.61 lbs
Lures Used : The Tacklebox
Fished Hidden Springs on the 4th of the warmup days. The water was 56-62 degrees as high sun was doing a remarkable transformation on the water. Saw small fish cruising the shallows, but few of them. Saw two very active otters in the middle of the afternoon, and that probably spells trouble for the fishing. They entertained me as the bite was very slow. Two bites, two fish. Largest was 26” and 9.61 lbs. I thought he was fighting strangely—all I could see was the cavernous mouth. His jaws didn’t work. In the net, trying to revive, on the measuring board, jaws never closed. So he was a little thin, probably having difficulty grasping bait efficiently. Still beautiful.
Sun was hot by late afternoon—but a welcome change after the recent cold weather.
Mar 04 2022
Bob Scheidemann
Slot Fish
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Congrats on the hawg! What a beauty!