Salt Lick 01/18/2022 Had to work for them, but quality fish!

Jan 18 2022

Joseph Alfe


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Hit Salt Lick. What a pretty location! I didn’t get on the water until close to noon, with bluebird skies, calm winds, and low 60’s temps. Salt Lick is a very deep quarry, with little shallows under 10’. There is a roadbed with standing trees in 15’ on the West end, so I started there. I was really flying blind with no electronics, but I’m a Northern boy used to fishing deep quarries. I started with a Ito Vision 110 then a deep Rapala Shadow Rap with no takers. Eric the land owner dropped by to see how I was doing and to make sure I had everything I needed. He mentioned that a few guys had caught over 100 Crappie, with some over 3# suspended off the trees. I switched to a Damiki Vault with a lift-fall retrieve near the bottom and had a solid strike then another which resulted in a stout fish around 16”. Switched to the fly rod with a full sink line and a deceiver streamer snaked along the tree edge with resulted in 3 fish around 3.5#, the fish in this lake are VERY STRONG! Around 3 PM, the wind came up and made holding position in the tiny 12’ difficult (the larger boat leaks badly, was reported to Eric). I started throwing an A-Rig along the windblown north shore just outside the trees. I had a solid hit and after a hard fight, I landed a very fat fish at least 7#. It’s hard to get a good perspective photo when you are solo, but she was big! A little later I started speed cranking a 6XD in the same area and got my last fish, a sow around 5#. Once I get electronics, I will be back for those Crappie!

Jan 18 2022

Scott Quigley


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Those are some really nice fish!  Thanks for the report on the boat, we are aware and hope to get it repaired soon.

Jan 18 2022

Joseph Alfe


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Originaly Posted By Scott Quigley

Those are some really nice fish!  Thanks for the report on the boat, we are aware and hope to get it repaired soon.

I inspected the bottom. There does not appear to be any holes or drag damage. It seems as if the rivets on the transom are leaking.

Jan 22 2022

Merlin Talley


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You landed some good ones, Joseph! 

Mar 04 2022

Scott Quigley


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Originaly Posted By Merlin Talley

You landed some good ones, Joseph! 

Hi everyone, the owner got the boat repaired, should be all good there now.