Fantastic Winter Outing

Jan 17 2022

Jamie Kechely


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Reservation Number : 30894
Property Name : Twin Oaks
Reservation Date : 01/17/2022 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 47/Up to 4lb
Lures Used : Crank bait/Rat L Trap/Wacky Rig

Best winter outing in several years.  Close to freezing overnight  and peak times according to Bass Forecast were from 11-1 pm so wasn’t in any hurry to hit the water.

Arrived around 10:15 and windier than I anticipated.  This property is really easy to bank fish so I thought what the heck let’s see what I can pull from the bank.  Zip, nada, zilch in about 15 minutes.  Not a single bite so into boat I went.

Motored across to opposite shore from boat launch.  Grabbed my trusty wacky rig and nothing for about 10 casts.  Grab by Rat L Trap and before I even made one cast I spooled myself.  Great start.

Grabbed my crankbait (red crawfish) which I generally have little success with.  First cast and bam first fish.  Pick up like 6 in first 10 casts.  Fished all over the lake for the next five hours and picked up 46 fish...only 3 under the 14” cull.  About 30-35 where picked up on the crankbait, another 3 or so on the wacky rig and after switching rod/reel the balance were on the Rat L Trap.

Picked up two fish along the dam.  All the rest of the fish were landed on lauch side or opposite side.  Both sides were productive.  Luanch side produced a string of 6 casts in a row and a string of 5 casts in a row.  20 fish landed from 1 pm to just after two pm.  After two pm only caught one fish in the last hour so decided to head on it. All fish were caught right at the transition point from the shallow water towards the deep water.  Best success was casting into deep water with strikes right at the drop off.   Closest fish was still 10 yards or so from shore.  

All the fish were healthy and excellent fighters for 2-3lb fish with one or two pushing up to 4lbs.  Reminds me of Bridle Oaks where five fish in a row you swear you just caught that same fish, but these fish are a little bigger.  All right in that 14-15” range with exception of the culls.  

Really nice boat onstie.  Left it as I found it and that was with plug out.  Imagine a team of two is going to run into  a 100 plus fish outing here sometime this spring.  

Jan 22 2022

Merlin Talley


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Very nice winter outing, Jamie! Funny how fish like different things from lake to lake, huh?