Dec 28 2021
Joshua Massoud
Reservation Number : 30704
Property Name : The Bluffs of Sandy Shores
Reservation Date : 12/27/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 36 up to 5lbs 3ozs
Lures Used : Spinnerbait/Sqbill/Jerkbait
I thought Post Oak would be our last trip for the year, but with the Michigan Summer for a Winter that we’ve had, the daughter and I decided to make a day of it post-Christmas. Turned out to be adventurous.
- Water was 60 degrees, wind was strong for the most part out of the South ~15-20mph, but not gusty. Partly cloudy throughout the day. Water clarity was around 2.5-3 feet.
- Fish were not bunched up or holding to anything in particular today other than isolated cover or facing current in more than 5 feet of water – about the only ‘common’ things I could gather. The spots for this lake that I found previously which had held bunches of fish throughout the fall failed me (the hump in the main lake, the trench that goes from the main lake island to the mid-lake southern point, or the south cove that leads into the main lake).
- I did not have my portable garming with me today, so I couldn’t see any bait or relative depths of fish. So we just made a ton of fan casts with spinnerbaits/sqbills/traps/jerkbaits looking for fish, and then tried to follow up with shaky heads/nedrigs. We couldn’t really get any follow ups, but were able to find a fair number of fish here and there.
- We had 8 culls, and other than the daughter’s larger fish, everything caught was between 1-3.2lbs – just a solid bunch of good ones.
- The big event of the day was my daughter getting her PB on a sqbill by a northwest bluff wall near some buck brush. She towed in it on 10lb line while it ripped drag, and then gracefully brought the fish to the boat and even turned it towards me at the end (“like they do on MLF Dad”) so I could net her. 0 panic in her, even as she saw how large it was, and then kept her rod low/bowed away from the fish so it wouldn’t jump. I’m sure I should be more proud of her perfect grades, work ethic, the dance competitions she and her team have won, but man, the execution she showed today in getting that fish in really brought a tear to my eye. Super proud Dad moment.
- Less proud Dad moment was when we made a stop back at the car and parked the boat – she managed to lose hold of the rope and the boat got pulled into the lake by the wind. I then got to go swim out half way to the first big brush pile near the launch to retrieve it. Fortunately I had a change of clothes in the car. My phone was in my pocket and I was able to hang on to it, turn it off and let it dry. It worked fine later in the day.
- As always, thank you to PWF and the land owners for making days like this with my daughter so special.
Dec 28 2021
Mike Nicoloff
Slot Fish
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Awesome day and she is holding that big ol’ bass like a pro. Swimming for the boat is no fun and would have been miserable if it was cooler outside. No picture of you swimming for the boat?