Are there fish in here?

Dec 22 2021

Frank Berlanga Jr


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Reservation Number : 30707
Property Name : Brushy Creek Lake
Reservation Date : 12/21/2021 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 1 bass 14"
Lures Used : Black blue creature bait. Wake baits. Spinner bait. Fluke.

Caught 1 fish. Didn't see any action anywhere. It looks real fishy but no luck. Tried moving baits to find them. Didn't get one hit. Slowed down with a creature bait and got one on the lift. Disappointing. 

Dec 22 2021

Steve Carpenter


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Tkrtr sre somr quality fish in the lake. Try the fence line to the right as you go out into the main lake and the shore line opposite of there going towards the dam. Some of the deepest water is located there. Also read some of the fishing reports if you havn’t already. L ake can be very specific on what they want from day to day.

Good luck

Dec 23 2021

Cole Porter


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I know it may not have seemed like it that day, but that is one of the best lakes near Austin.

Go check out the fishing reports from this past spring, summer, and fall. Our members catch both numbers and quality at that lake more often than not.

If you ever have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at (214) 871-0044 or

Cole PWF