Another Good Day at Butler

Dec 18 2021

Ron Dupree


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Reservation Number : 30677
Property Name : Butler Lake
Reservation Date : 12/17/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 82 8"-4 lbs
Lures Used : drop shot, split shot rig, crank bait

Fellow PWF member John Shepard and I returnned to Butler on Friday 12/17 to almost the same identical weather conditions as the week before and almost the same results as the week before, AWESOME! The wind was not quite as bad this trip but it was gusty to say the least. 

The bass were found pretty much in the same spots as the they were last week except this trip we found some in the shallows of the south end. What worked the best was slow presentation of drop shot or split shot rig. Not as many on crank bait and about the same on a chartruese colored vibrating jig. 

Mostly coudy conditions with a few showers and some wind gusts with the showers. Water temp was 68-70 degrees.

Bass were fat and healthy making for some good action. We ended the day with 82 bass and 2 huge crappie. Bass ranged in size from 8in to 4 lbs. We culled 19 bass and 2 crappie. 

Thank you to the property owners and PWF for allowing us access to this awesome tank.