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Dec 10 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Reservation Number : 30625
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 12/09/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 0
Lures Used : Big Baits

Since it was 80 degrees in Dallas today and pre-frontal on this the 10th Day of December in the year of our Lord 2021, I decided to try and get out and hunt some big bass.  I was after 1-3 big bites, but they just never materialized. I will say, it is really nice not having to drive all the way out to Fork, worry about whether my car will get broken into, etc, to hunt for big bass. Hop skip and a jump out to Wills Point!

  1. I arrived to Double AA around 10am, on the water by 10:30am and off the water around 2:30pm.  The wind was howling but I decided to brave the capped waves.
  2. Water was much murkier than usual – 1.5feet of visibility, water temp was at 56 degrees, and a strong, gusty Southernly wind at up to 30mph, steady at times at 15mph. 
  3. My plan going in was to work the grass flats at 15-19 FOW with a magdraft, large crank at the sides of the ledge at 25ft of water, a magnum spoon at various depths, and a football jig on said ledge as well. 
  4. I graphed fish and bait holding at 20ft, but not really roaming the ledge like I hoped. They seemed to be holding about 10 yds or so off it, sitting over 30 feet of water or hugging the bottom as deep as they could go. 
  5. I was able to anchor up and hold (I use a 25lb dumbbell with a  40ft rope that I bought specifically for this lake), move around and work the spots I wanted, but just couldn’t quite get the angle for my dangle. 
  6. I think next time I come, I’m taking my tracker so I can spot lock and move around easier without having to anchor or keep one hand on the trolling motor– I’ll be back in the prespawn to catch a 10+. 
  7. I did not see any dead tilapia yet (getting close to the right water temp), but next cold spell should do it. 

FYI – I did observe an otter in the middle of the adjacent pond as I left.  Otters numbers are increasing across North Texas and they can really hurt a lake.  

Dec 10 2021

Mark Daugherty


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Joshua – maybe the best report title ever! I admire your dediction in trying to get that big bite. You will for sure!


Dec 10 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Originaly Posted By Mark Daugherty

Joshua – maybe the best report title ever! I admire your dediction in trying to get that big bite. You will for sure!


Thanks Mark! I stole the idea from a someone who had named their bass boat that – was pretty stinking clever…