Dec 04 2021
Bill Nowlin
Reservation Number : 30561
Property Name : Nix Ranch: Lake TCU
Reservation Date : 12/03/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 6 bass; 14" to 2.5 lbs
Lures Used : everything
Glenn Wiebe and I fished TCU yesterday, December 3rd. Overcast; low 60s warming to mid 70s; wind SSE 10-15 until late afternoon. Gin clear water; visibility 6-8 feet. Similar results to prior post on TCU. Fished from boat, from shore, and from the two islands closer to the dam. Threw chatterbait, square-billed crankbait, swim bait with underspin. Nothing. Couple of bumps on Texas-rigged creature bait but no fish. Caught one and missed five or six on Texas-rigged Senko; VERY subtle bite, or a few taps and then they would drop it. Several bites but no fish on wacky-rigged Senko. Went to Clark’s for lunch and then managed a bunch of sunfish from dock (bread for bait) for a much-needed morale boost. In afternoon, caught 5 on drop shot with Senko (Glenn 4, Bill 1).
We noticed the remains of a dozen or more bass (good sized, not cull fish) on the bank, as well as a large grass carp. It appeared they had been there for a while. Also saw several dead sunfish and a huge tiapia floating in the lake. The dead fish, very slow fishing on what should have been a reasonable day, prior fishing report, and extremely clear water make me wonder if something has happened to this lake. We have fished this lake several times before with great results. We saw several cars going to and from the house but never saw Dub.
Dec 04 2021
Joshua Massoud
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Were the fish head eaten off?