Bennett Lake started slow but picked up

Nov 26 2021

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 30341
Property Name : Bennett Lake
Reservation Date : 11/24/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 60
Lures Used : Senko, Ribbit Frog, Buzz Bait

I took my two brothers out to Bennett Lake with my oldest son. This was the first time my two brothers and I have fished in over 50 years and was great getting together and catching fish with my oldest son also.

For starters, we got to the lake and the road to get to the lake has much to be desired and got much worse than when I last went back in May. There are some deep ruts in the road and two non 4x4 trucks bottomed out going down the read, but it was dry, so everyone made it in just fine but if wet, it could have been worse.

The lake is a beautiful lake and what a shame to see the house being not used and decaying as time goes on because it is such a beautiful place. Fishing started a bit slow, but was catching some fish and as the day progressed, the winds picked up and ended up having big gusts and was a mess for fishing but with spotlock trolling motors on our kayaks, it did not hold back a great day of fishing. By afternoon, everyone was catching fish and most were in the 2-3 lb sizes and the biggest was just a bit under 4 lbs. Most fish were quite nice sizes for catching fish.

We caught a most of the smaller fish up in the grasses, lillies and other vegetation amongst the bank and shallow water. Most of the larger fish were caught in the middle of the lake in the deeper water. Strange that most of the larger fish were caught on wacky rigged Watermelon/Moondust worms by Epic Baits. I caught quite a few in the shallow water on a Texas Rigged Epic Baits Watermelon Gold Dust Quick Craw. Many were also caught on the same Epic Baits Watermelon Gold Dust Quick Craw as a trailer on a small buzz bait skipping across the lilly pads and grasses. We ended up with 25 bass at below 14 inches culled. Most fish over 14 inches were not close to 14” but more around 17 or 18 inches for the smaller lengths of fish. 

It was a fun day to spend with family on the day before Thanksgiving. I will be uploading some video in the near future as a reply after I do the editing but will be with my brother instead of myself as he was wanting some video for his sponsors for his MLF fishing page.

Since it is a 3 hour drive for me, we got on site around 8am and fished to right at dark and it does get dark out there at night. We had a great time and anxiously await to go back again. I really like this lake but again, the roadway need grating and the brush is sticking out and rubs against my truck going to lake. Water temperature was 62 degrees and water was pretty clear but not near as clear as it was back in May of this year. 

Oh, did I mention it got windy? It got really windy for a while and for a lake covered with trees around lake, it was still quite windy but pretty good fishing anyway. Was great to fish with both brothers after so long ago since my oldest brother lives out of state. My son fishing was just a bonus as his birthday is two days after this trip and he turns 40 years old. Cannot believe I have a son that is turning 40 years old. No way am I old enough to have a son 40 years old. Well, I guess I am but doesn’t feel that way.

Nov 27 2021

Joshua Massoud


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good times and a lot of bass – sounds like a perfect pre-thanksgiving fishing trip to me. 

Nov 29 2021

Dale Stagg

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Joshua Massoud

good times and a lot of bass – sounds like a perfect pre-thanksgiving fishing trip to me. 

It was Joshua. Windy, but we hadca blast.