Nice Day on the Water

Nov 17 2021

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 30414
Property Name : The Jordan
Reservation Date : 11/15/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 26 with 11 Culls and a crappie returned
Lures Used : Spinnertbait, Flat-sided Crank, TX Worm, Megabass Dark Sleeper

Bluebird day with winds stronger than forecast. Surface temp started off at 58 and rose to 69 in the afternoon. On the water at 8:30, tried a few top water presentations for a little while but no takers (wasn’t expecting much based on prevoius reports). They hit erverything I threw at them and fought hard. Vast majority of the fish came from the opening between the big portion of the lake and the smaller portion to the south, call it a gap. I’d catch 2 or 3, pound the banks, come back and catch 2 or 3 more, repeat. I don’t think I caught a fish from the bank except a couple by the dam. I did catch a handful including a crappie (returned) trolling the spinnerbait as I moved from the north end back up to the south end to the gap. Pretty amazed that many fish came out of such a small area. Been a while since I’ve been out so it was nice to get out and feel the pull. 

Nov 17 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Nice work!