Wind, More Wind and a Few Bass

Nov 13 2021

Ryan Sipe


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Newer member, first fishing report!  Loving the club so far as I’ve fished 6 different properties the past couple of months.  Really enjoy how each property is unique and looking forward to trying some of them again soon.

Ventured out to Double A Lake yesterday and was greeted by 15-20 mph winds.  Intended to get out there by noon, but of course work got in the way and didn’t hit the water until 2:30pm and only had time to fish for a couple hours.  Even with a good anchor, the wind was still dragging me around, so that made it a challenge.  Read some of the past reports and keyed in on the humps near the far side of the lake.  Landed 5 LMB, all around 2-3.5 lbs. and missed a couple.  All were caught on flukes or senkos fished very slow.  Bites were somewhat subtle, but like previous reports mentioned, these fish fought well above their actual weight.

Got to chat with the owner, Joe, and really enjoyed that convo as he gave me a few spots to check out on the lake.  Such a nice guy and he’s done a lot to make this property unique.  Beautiful lake that I can’t wait to visit again, sans wind!

Nov 13 2021

John Daniels


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Welcome to the club