Junk Fishing at its Finest

Nov 07 2021

Charles McCallum


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Reservation Number : 30169
Property Name : The Bluffs of Sandy Shores
Reservation Date : 11/06/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 100 total 22 culls 1-5lbs 5-4lbs
Lures Used : Frog, PopR, z craw, rage craw, lipless, fluke, spinnerbait, A-rig

Fellow member, Mike Nicoloff, and I hit the bluffs today from 7:30am-5:15pm.  36 degree air temp and 58 degree water temp nudging to 60 by late afternoon.  Bluebird skies and slight chop on water as day progressed.

Started with top water baits and tried to cover as much water as possible to locate where they were hanging. Worked outside shore clockwise around most of the lake and picked up a few here and there. Once the sun was fully up and we shed the top layer of clothing switched to sub surface moving baits and the lipless was the most productive.  Seems like a lot of the pond weed is starting to die so ripping through the grass was a challenge.

Around 10am we found a honey hole that had lots of busting shad and we sat there for a few hours catching them on what seemed like every cast.  Bigs and small all mixed together. 

Took lunch break around 1pm and met the owners brother that lives on the property and he gave us good info on the property.

Back on the water at 1:30pm and hit the nort east side that is pretty shallow.  We could see lots of bass in the weeds but they weren't interested in moving baits.  

We did see some bottom algae layer floating so I assume part of the lake is still turning over. 

We finally got to 100 and decided to call it a day since our thumbs were pretty worn out.

Great property and can't wait to see it flourish as the level comes up and a lot of the humps and brush piles get submerged.

Nov 07 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Nice work gents – pulling 100 out of a lake when conditions yesterday were far from ‘ideal’ is pretty fantastic. 

Nov 07 2021

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Joshua Massoud

Nice work gents – pulling 100 out of a lake when conditions yesterday were far from ‘ideal’ is pretty fantastic. 

Thanks, it was a blast and I am pretty wore out today but wouldn't take much persuasion to get me off the couch and go again. 

Nov 07 2021

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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Great day Charles! and yeah my thumbs are pretty raw.