Steady as she goes

Oct 31 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Reservation Number : 30272
Property Name : Malouf Lake
Reservation Date : 10/30/2021 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 19 up to 2lbs
Lures Used : Rattle Trap, Buzz Bait, SQ Bill

Fished Malouf Saturday aftenoon.  Fishing was steady from 1pm-6pm with 18 boated and only 1 fish coming off (unfortunately it was a decent fish).  Typical fall pattern.

Two favorite things about fall are 1. You don’t have to hit the water at the buttcrack of dawn– midday bite is generally better. 2. You can let go of the soft plastics for the most part (if you want to) and focus on finding actively feeding fish with moving baits.  

Water was 65 degree upon arrival, warming to 67 by 3pm.  Fish were scattered – some chasing bait in the pockets, Some in deeper water by the timber.  Plenty of sunshine and a bit bluebird.  Water was pretty mixed up and slightly turned.  Still some good grass to be found but that will change over the next month.  Mild wind to provide just enough chop on the water.

Fish were holding middepth around the lake.  Rattle trap was the weapon of choice – cover alot of water, make alot of noise with the mixed up water, burn it through grass and rip it when I hung up in it. 

I’ll use this pattern on almost every lake for the next month until the fish start holding in deeper water. 

When fishing timber on bright days when the water is dirty, they will hold really really tight to the timber – 1 foot off when casting can really make all the difference on getting a bite. 

The transition area from 12 feet to 8 feet to 3 feet just south of the boat ramp to the timber line will hold fish that go back and forth during different feeding windows – don’t think you’ve milked the whole cow going through there once – revisit it every hour or so and just south of the timber towards the shallows.  You can make a whole day of just doing that C shape and catch different fish moving all day. 

I also noticed the fish that slammed bait in the pockets – I watched them move from the back of the pocket all the way back to the 8 foot water from the 2 foot water after they were done hitting that bait.  Fish move in a smaller lake and can move in a hurry to different locations.  

Oct 31 2021

Dale Pybus

Slot Fish

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Another spot this time of year…… the sumerged stumps up and down the channel South of the timber. Try something like a 5XD in red craw. Heavy line. 

Oct 31 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Originaly Posted By Dale Pybus

Another spot this time of year…… the sumerged stumps up and down the channel South of the timber. Try something like a 5XD in red craw. Heavy line. 

Will give it a go – thanks Dale!