Dodged the Rain

Oct 15 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Reservation Number : 29960
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 10/14/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 8 up to 5.5lbs
Lures Used : All of them?

Had a chance to fish with Charles McCallum on Thursday at AA lake.  We used alot of stuff and things, but the A-Rig was the best bass getter (all 8 fish caught by Charles on the A-Rig with a Shad pattern Swimbait/Jighead.  Below is a summary of our day:

  1. Charles got there at 7:30 and I at 8 (to him just finishing unloading his stuff). He got on the water shortly after I arrived while unloaded and tried out my new ultraskiff 360;
  2. The water was cool from the prior 2 days of rain, but was relatively clear, more so that I can recall it being in June when I was last there. Partly cloudy and relatively windy. Charles said he saw a 20 foot thermocline on his electronics.  Lake is down from June with the milfoil and pondweed in the same spot, but receded a bit.  There was still ample, healthy grass. 
  3. Charles primarily worked the ridge line in the middle of the lake, I worked the outsides.  We both tried a bunch of different stuff (frogs, plastics, etc), but the A-Rig was the ticket for him. 
  4. I missed 11 fish in total, 1 on a sqbill that got off right at the skiff, 4 on flukes, where they crushed the tail but didn’t take the whole bait, and the rest were on buzzbaits.  In general, with the windy conditions I was just too quick and too fast, needed to slow down, but was excited using the new boat. 
  5. When I think of fall, I think of buzzbaits, and it definitely got strikes, but I set the hook way too quick each time and missed the fish.  
  6. I used a large swimbait a fair amount but with them keying on 3-4in shad, that was a mistake, I should have downsized and I think it would have worked better.  I should have also thrown my jerkbait which has worked well in the past there.
  7. I loaded up at 2:30 or so, in time to see Joe who is just as friendly as always, thanking him again for letting us fish his fine lake.

Oct 15 2021

Charles McCallum


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Great report as usual Joshua.

I will add that there were no busted up shad floating on the surface this trip.  Far fewer blowups as well.

The morning dawn robo worm that worked a few weeks ago wasn't working this trip. Even though I could see the fish directly below on my graph.

Gotta love the fight of the AA fish though!