Sep 26 2021
Robert Lundin
Reservation Number : 29862
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 09/25/2021 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 21 for the afternoon. Largest 4 lbs
Lures Used : 19 on red shad senko, one on a bubblegum trick worm and one on a frog
We fished the weed line for our success. The weed are thick and starting to die off but still present a mat around the lake. Still 40 acres of open water. The top water bite was slow and almost non-existence the last 2 hours of fishing. Somehow the fish loved red shad today. Caught 5 over 3 lbs the other six that we returned all around 16 inches. The harvest fish all 10 to 12 inches. Caught a 16 incher at the dock that reminded me of Six O twenty years ago. Big head skinny body. Just a nice day to be on the water. Having 55 lb thrust with a weedless prop makes cutting through the weeds a lot easier.