Willow Lake 9/12/21

Sep 13 2021

Joe V. Smith


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Reservation Number : 29737
Property Name : Willow Lake
Reservation Date : 09/12/2021 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 18 8" to 2 lbs
Lures Used : worms,flukes and wacky

Fished Sunday morning. The lake has receded four foot from where the shore line was in mid July. All the trees/timber that held fish are on dry land and this has a negative impact on locating the hungry fish.The water had a 24” visibility and fish/bait fish were very active in the middle of the lake earily.

Caught 18 bass of which 10 were removed and the largest bass released was 2 lbs.Got nothing on a frog or wtless senko. Caugth 5 on 4” txrig ,5 on 4” wacky & 8 on drop shot / wacky hookup. The best color by far was wat/red