Sep 04 2021
Samuel Mitchell
Reservation Number : 29516
Property Name : Pecan Gap
Reservation Date : 09/03/2021 All Day - 09/03/2021 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : 1 - 7#, 12 3# to 5# and 7 - 1# to 2#
Lures Used : Black/blue Chatter bait and shaky head soft plastics and some wacky rig
We were there at sun up but the morning was surprisingly tough. Nothing was coming up to hit top water. There were two or three that swirled up on our frogs but the bass just wouldn't commit. The chatterbait definitely was the lead lure. In fact I had a first ever experience, a bass hit my chatterbait so hard it yanked my rod out of my hand. Well, I did what any respectable angler does and I jumped in to get my rod. Needless to say I made it back to the boat and reeled that sucker in. It was a nice fish but not a monster, but it was a freight train of a bite. About the 4:00 the fishing got great. I anchored down near the hump on the back side of the property and threw a KVD Ocho worm (black/blue) on a shaky head, and caught some great fish. I tried to add the picture of the worm and shaky head that I was using. In fact I had back to back casts bring in some four pounders. Pull that soft plastic slow around that hump and your odds are good. I moved further back from the hump and threw the chatter bait again. A fiesty 7# choked it down and fought all the way to the kayak. That was the biggest one of the day. At sun down I started throwing the frog again and finally snagged a nice one. What a day!!
Sep 06 2021
Mark Daugherty
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What a great day fishing and a great story Samuel! We can all say, “nearly jerked the rod out of my hands”, but not to many can say, “literally jerked the rod out of my hands – and I had to jump in after it”! So fun, thanks for sharing the story and the pics.