windy and grass at SIX-O

Aug 09 2021

John Jordan


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Reservation Number : 29391
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 08/08/2021 AM - 08/08/2021 AM
Total Fish/Sizes : 25 total - 15 to the frying pan , 5 returned and 5 to the bank
Lures Used : wacky worm, pop R

The morning started out OK with a few hits on top water along the east bank outside the grass line and then a few on the old wacky worm. Then mother nature took hold and white caps on that lake blowing out of the south make for a hard fight. The two forks at the north end of the lake are being taken over with vegitation , leaving only a few pockets to throw into. Nothing over 2 lbs on this trip. The lake is full and clear as usual. Next time , my nephew said he will check the wind forecast before making our resorvation.

Aug 09 2021

Steve Alexander


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You have likely fished the lake more than any member in the club. Any idea how many fish over 5 lbs you have caught? Any over 8 lbs?

Aug 09 2021

John Jordan


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Originaly Posted By Steve Alexander


You have likely fished the lake more than any member in the club. Any idea how many fish over 5 lbs you have caught? Any over 8 lbs?

Steve, yes I have probably fished this property many more times than I can count. I started taking my nephew ( Jordan Massey there when he was 5 or 6 ) he is 29 now and a member of the club. My 20 year old grandson started when he was about 5 and he was with me when I caught my largest bass. It was 10lbs and was caught on a red crawdad I found in a tree and said what the heck , I’ll try this. First cast in the tree line along the dock side bank, she hit like a ton of bricks and I had a time getting her out of the trees. Since then I have caught probably 15 over 5 and I can remember two over 8lbs. The owners ,Ted & Kim are great to talk with and enjoy our fishing stories. And he is always ready to give a helping hand if needed. In fact he helped me fix a low trailer tire not to long ago. SIX- 0 and Desdamona were my go to spots until we lost Desdamona.