Unwanted kayak stowaway

Jul 25 2021

Rollin Sarradet


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Went to Lago Escondido on Saturday and caught a few fish up to 3.6lbs. Lake was full and water looked great. Lots of vegetation which made things challenging. Lots of suspended fish above the thermocline which was at about 8-10ft, and most of these were not cooperating. 

I wanted to share a photo of a stowaway I had on my kayak when I got back in my yak after lunch. Didn't even know he was there until I got ready to leave. Just a friendly reminder to look around before you get back in your boat if you left it idle for any period of time. Good luck out there. 

Jul 25 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Copperhead? I’d probably just set my kayak on fire to be safe. 

Jul 25 2021

Steve Alexander


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Originaly Posted By Joshua Massoud

Copperhead? I’d probably just set my kayak on fire to be safe. 

Looks like a copperhead and a XL to boot. That is a giant! Looks close to 3.5 or 4 foot. I don’t see them much bigger than 30”.