Jul 19 2021
Robert Alschbach
Reservation Number : 29222
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/18/2021 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 22 fish total: 10 LMB RETURNED, 10 LMB REMOVED, 2 crappie removed
Lures Used : Swim bait with Under spin, wacky rig senko, TX rig senko, jig,
Caught a few on the senkos (TX RIG & wacky) but the most fish were caught on white kaitech swim baits thrown on an under spin hook, caught most of the fish in the southwest corner near the dam. The largest fish (6lbs) was caught in the northeast corner off a small point about 15’ off the bank on the swim bait with under spin. Lots of little bass jumping out of the water eating the dragonflies. A great day!