Monday, July 5th - Twin Lakes (not slow, but a bit of a grind, beautiful and lush ranch!)

Jul 06 2021

Mark Daugherty


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Wife and I fished Twin Lakes on Monday and very much enjoyed the day out at this beautiful, lush ranch. Weather was not bad for July – with some cloud cover for much of the morning giving way to clearer skies and heat during midday – then we got run off of the lake by a fast approacing heavy storm in the evening. Water on the West Lake was 84F with 2FT of viz with adequate weed growth but not overgrown at all. Water on the East Lake was 88F with 8IN of viz with a little weed growth, but lots of that annoying black, slime ringing the shoreline. 

We fished the West in the AM and landed 13 up to 2.9 lbs (including 1 slab crappie). We fished the East in the PM and landed 8 up to 5.25 lbs. Overall for the day 6 of the bass were in the 2 to 3 lb range and then the sole 5.25 chunk. We opened up the tackle box on them, but couldn’t really get them going, but still plenty of action and some solid fish – mostly on T-Rig curly tail worms and paddletails on weighted swimbait hooks and/or a flashy swimmer. I did catch one 2lber on a white squarebill and during the fight, I felt another jolt only to realize that a 4+ lber had joined the fray. Unfortunately, the bigger one shook off at the boat. 

Great way to spend the day off on a wonderful PWF property!