Mostly Overcast Day

Jul 03 2021

Larry McCarthy


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Reservation Number : 29034
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/02/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 79
Lures Used : Senkos, Flukes, Brush Hogs, Wacky Worm

An excellent day at 6 O. Arrived at dawn kicking off the day with frogs, got several blow ups but no hookups early on. Switched to soft plastics (Senkos, Wacky Worms, Brush Hogs) of which the Senkos were the top lures for the fish today. All fish were caught either in the weed line along the bank or between the shore and the weed line. None were caught deep and only a few were caught by the trees along the shore line. Nothing big was caught with the average being in the 1 to 2 pound range.  Additionally several less than 14 were caught and subsequently culled. Total of 47 fish were boated. There were quite a few that threw the hook just as they reached that boat. Fished till a little after 5 when the a quick rising lightening and thunder storm drove us off the lake. 

Two occurrences of note : First as we were driving up the concrete road a 8 point buck jumped right in front of the truck, he was literally inches away from hitting the truck. 

Second, one of us caught a small bass, as it was being reeled in it started swimming very erratically because a much larger bass came up to chase it unsuccessfully but it was interesting to watch in the very clear water. 

The water was clear all around the lake and several large bass were seen swimming among the weeds.