Jun 30 2021
Joshua Massoud
Reservation Number : 29046
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 06/29/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 8 up to 4.11lbs
Lures Used : One Thrown Book
I was supposed to take today off but had to knock out some work early which put me in a really bad funk. I’m a firm believer that attitude dictates performance – work/play/whatever and I got in my head about having to do stuff and a client really set me off this morning for whatever reason. Not the first time, won’t be the last but I wasted what could have been a stellar day. I still caught 8 but this was gonna be my day man! – falling pressure? check, rain invigorating the fishery? check, cloudy cover?, check – big fatty bass?, check.
So I got to the lake late – partly cloudy with intermittent showers, water temp was 79 when I got there, 84 after a few hours. Bass were active and feeding all around both in offhore schools and breaking the mats in the weeds. Mapped out the trench and the hump. Saw several bait balls and surrounding bass, I just couldn’t get them into the boat. I did what I know not to do which is constantly change stuff rather than stick with a strategy that makes sense under the conditions, then downsize from that strategy till I get bit.
I generally go with a top/middle/bottom approach once I find areas I want to work. Top – Spook/PopR/Florida Speed Worm/Buzz bait, Middle – jerkbait/swimbait with underspin, swim jig/wacky, bottom – Trig/Crig/Crank/dropshot. I saw the fish on the finder, I saw the humps/drops/structure (AA isn’t that hard of a read) – I just couldn’t execute till about four hours in when I caught my first fish on a frog in the weeds. Caught 1 more that way, lost 2 more in the weeds (shook the frog affter having to winch them out of the grass). Caught a couple offshore when the bass broke the top schooling on a PopR, and the rest on a Trig ‘Big Bite Baits’ – tilapia magic stickbait (which I bought for El Salto but didn’t catch much on, but the bass at AA seemed to like it post tilapia addition). Every fish but one was caught on the North side of the lake on the weedline or in a school 30 yards off or so. There was action all around the lake.
That said, when I caught the first one, the stress metled and I found 7 more, lost 4 others I could have had if I had executed but hey, it happens. 8 fish all between 2.8-4.11lbs is a nice day – I just didn’t hit the potential for the day and it was all my fault.
Excuse the topless pics of some of the fish – my covid body isn’t for the feint of heart – but I was trying to dry off. I didn’t get pics of the other 3, it was raining and such. I did get a picture of the cow that sat in the lake for much of the day. She seemd to enjoy herself.
Jun 30 2021
Scott Quigley
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Some good fishing and life lessons in here Joshua! And congrats, I think you are officially our first topless poster 😀. Glad you shook offf the rough start to have a good day out there.