Jun 21 2021
Charles McCarble
My son and I arrived around 6:20 and fishing shortly afterwards. No wind until 10:00 and then bam….15+ winds and steady all afternoon. By noon it was 95 degrees and humid. KVD 1.5 crank bait in “sexy shad” was my “go to” lure. My son tried several baits but was most successful on a white spinner bait with gold blades.The bite started off slow but improved as the sun came up and the winds blew. From the island near the dam and the brush piles nearby is where we caught nearly all of our fish. Any where there was shade there were bass. I stopped counting at 20 but would bet we had 23-24 bass.We also caught several very large crappie and several nice size bream…they nailed the crank bait too! Except for 2-3 dinks, all bass were chunky 2-4 pounders, a 4.8 was the largest of the day. I have been to Tara a few times and it always seems to produce. Great property!