Good afternoon playing in cocoa water

May 30 2021

Robert Lundin


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Reservation Number : 28634
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 05/29/2021 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15 total ranging from one pound to 3.6 lbs
Lures Used : Frogs and flukes

The secchi  disk at the dock didn't even make it to the one foot mark.  I knew before we left that we would be dealing with off colored water. National Weather service reported for both McKinney and Sherman rain for the last 12 of 14 days.    I was 4 for 11 on the hookup for the  black bronzed eye frog.  Threw everything dark. Great weather and lots of fun. I loosened up the seats on the Bass raider with a little wd40.  The lake is full and water is rushing over the spillway.  

May 30 2021

Kerry Wages


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Hey Robert…I plan to hit JerMar within a week. I wanted to launch a little Bass Raider that i just picked up. Does the spillway look OK to launch? What part of the lake was most productive for you on your recent trip?


Kerry Wages

May 31 2021

Robert Lundin


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Originaly Posted By Kerry Wages

Hey Robert…I plan to hit JerMar within a week. I wanted to launch a little Bass Raider that i just picked up. Does the spillway look OK to launch? What part of the lake was most productive for you on your recent trip?


Kerry Wages

The water going over the spillway was 2 inches deep and moving.  I think you will be ok.  The best fishing was on the west side starting at that first cove that has the culvert on the right on your drive in all the way to the two brush piles at south end near the dam. Everything dark in color. Black frogs, watermelon flukes. When I was there in early April red shad senko was the ticket on the north end.  If the weather settles down I think you will have a great day.  I throw both bronze eyed  and ribbit frogs. 

May 31 2021

Kerry Wages


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Originaly Posted By Kerry Wages

Hey Robert…I plan to hit JerMar within a week. I wanted to launch a little Bass Raider that i just picked up. Does the spillway look OK to launch? What part of the lake was most productive for you on your recent trip?


Kerry Wages

Thanks for the intel Robert….Much appreciated….Good luck out there.
