Couple donkeys, loads of footballs, and what a crappie day!

May 16 2021

John Freeman


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Reservation Number : 28173
Property Name : Tara lake
Reservation Date : 05/15/2021 All Day - 05/15/2021 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : 78 Bass( 1 6.3/ 1 6/ 2 5.5/ 63 2-4 1/2), 16 Crappie ( all but 2 at least 1 3/4 lb - 2 1/2lb)
Lures Used : Vintage top water, flukes, square bill crank bait, U Tail worms, Lazer Eye swim bait

Will edit to add some pics on Monday

Tara Lake, not sure where to start. Fished with member and long time friend Scott Wheeler. We were there at daybreak. Water temps 67-69 morning to 72-74 late afternoon. Some may look at this old soil conservation lake and may not see too much. It's ecosystem is something different than most folk are probably used to being around. Let me say it is a healthy ecosystem. Lots of shallow water, but the fish are accustomed to it. A lot came from 2’ or less. The spawn is winding down. Quite a few fish had the bloody tail and a few of the football piggies more than likely we on last round of laying eggs. 
     We started landing a few fish straight off. I tied on a vintage 1970’s top water (you will have to come back Monday to see the pic). I caught at least a dozen fish (one being a HUGE crappie). These huge crappie wat what the bass eat. Scott I believe Fluked all day. I used the vintage top water, a square Bill crank bait, U tail worm, and the Lazer Eye gizzard shad (there are some huge gizzards in here). Action steady all day. Not much from the brush piles except for lost a couple donkeys back to back from one. We both had good fish that didn't make it boat side. There is a metal pole all by itself I pulled  3 bass and 4 2 pound crappie off of in a matter of 10 minutes. 
    This is an outstanding fishing lake. Easy access and truly a one of a kind experience. Do NOT judge a book by its cover, even if it seems BASSakwards. 

Again I will add more pics Monday 

May 16 2021

Joshua Massoud


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Its Inception for fishing, a fish inside a fish. haha, nice work man.  Tara is on my list.  Wonder how the shallower lake fish will hold up in the summer – like you said, they are probably used to it. 

May 16 2021

Scott Wheeler


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Originaly Posted By Joshua Massoud

Its Inception for fishing, a fish inside a fish. haha, nice work man.  Tara is on my list.  Wonder how the shallower lake fish will hold up in the summer – like you said, they are probably used to it. 

This Was An Outstanding Day
Filled With Great  Numbers And Good Quality Size Of Fish,..
The First Time I Fished Tara Last Year In October I Wasn’t Impressed At All
Such A Shallow Lake And Didn’t Catch Many That Day..
What A Huge Difference Between Then And Now
Just Proves The Old Saying
Don’t Judge A Bass By It’s Cover.
This Little Lake Is Packed Full Of Fighters.
And We Shall Return For Another Round.