May 15 2021
Bruce Bernard
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 28511
Property Name : Rock Chimney
Reservation Date : 05/15/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : Bunch
Lures Used : Chase baits
I took a quick trip out to Rock Chimney to check out the fishing this morning. I only had about 2 hours to fish and I was mainly doing a reconnaisance to check out the water level and see if any fish were stirring. There has been a lot of rain in the area recently and I was pleased to see that the water levels are back to near-normal levels! I had a good chat with the landowner and he said the water level is up 4 ½ feet from 2 weeks ago. The water level and water color were very good.
Now to the fishing. I only had a short time so I made a quick loop around the lake and found the fish to be in a super-aggresive mood. I was fishing exclusively chase baits and they were crushing chatterbaits and squarebill crankbaits and fighting like crazy! I caught a bunch of fish mostly in the 2-4 pound range with a couple over 5. very few smaller fish.
I had something happen on this trip that I have never had happen before. I was reeling in a 1 ½ pound bass and as I was just lifting the bass out of the water a 6 pound bass enhaled the back half of the bass on my line! I was stunned...The fish was close enough to touch but I just sat there in disbeleief. After 1-2 seconds the fish let go and splashed back into the water. See what I mean... Super – aggressive. After 2 hours I had to get back to other things. Good to see Rock Chimney looking so good and being back on my rotation\\
May 15 2021
Joshua Massoud
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Nice! never been able to see that happen live but that is pretty dang cool!