
May 11 2021

Wendell Vines


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Reservation Number : 28468
Property Name : BlackJack Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/10/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 42 / up to 18"
Lures Used : Variety

Was greeted at BlackJack by a nice young buck in velvet and a couple of does bounding off to safety.  Cloudy, muggy morning changed with wind shift to partly cloudy, more comfortable and more wind – and also better action.  No big fish today but still fun.  Soft plastics ruled the day, had very few bites on anything else.  Water is still fairly high from recent rains, slightly stained, visibility up to 8 ft.  Most fish were 1 to 3 lb, in good shape. Nice day at a beautiful ranch.