Bloop, bloop.........swoooosh

May 07 2021

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 28097
Property Name : Tara lake
Reservation Date : 05/06/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 30/6 ibs
Lures Used : Popper, swim bait, spinner

Bloop, bloop………..swoooosh !  What could be better than catching a big fish on a top water. About the only thing would be doing it all day. Well, that’s what happened. Big fish ALL DAY on TOP WATERS x 30+ !  The winds were light and the water was 74 degrees. I didn’t even catch every fish. I lost a few near the kayak as they jumped and threw the lure back at me. Most of the fish came from the southern end of the lake, but I also caught nice fish on the other end of the lake. I will have to buy some new hooks for my popper as the hooks got bent out of shape. What a great day. Can’t wait to go back.

May 08 2021

Ron Wood


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Glen, I see some fin damage on your fish, do you think it’s from turtles?

i fished Tara yesterday (Friday) and we had several with lower tail fins with that same damage.

Ron Wood

May 09 2021

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Ron Wood

Glen, I see some fin damage on your fish, do you think it’s from turtles?

i fished Tara yesterday (Friday) and we had several with lower tail fins with that same damage.

Ron Wood

My first thought was that is was caused by clearing gravel for a bed since a lot of these fish were caught on the bank. I never thought about turtles, but I have seen a turtle attack and kill a duck. How did you do at Tara ?

May 09 2021

Ron Wood


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Originaly Posted By Glen Armstrong

My first thought was that is was caused by clearing gravel for a bed since a lot of these fish were caught on the bank. I never thought about turtles, but I have seen a turtle attack and kill a duck. How did you do at Tara ?

We caught over 50 between all of us, several 5’s, 3 over 4, and a bunch 2-3 lbs. we had another 3.5lb fish with half the lower tail bitten off. 3 weeks ago when we were at Tara my partner caught a 4lb with lower tail chewed off. We were catching fish everywhere and the snakes were out in force. If you want to fish Tara or TCU, LMK, I’ll be happy to join you.


May 10 2021

Glen Armstrong

Slot Fish

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Originaly Posted By Ron Wood

We caught over 50 between all of us, several 5’s, 3 over 4, and a bunch 2-3 lbs. we had another 3.5lb fish with half the lower tail bitten off. 3 weeks ago when we were at Tara my partner caught a 4lb with lower tail chewed off. We were catching fish everywhere and the snakes were out in force. If you want to fish Tara or TCU, LMK, I’ll be happy to join you.


I would like that. You can probably teach me some things. I fish out of a kayak and would probably continue to do that most of the time. What about you ? What lake is LMK ?