May 03 2021
Marshall Hogue
My wife and I stayed at the cabin Friday and Saturday nights. Arrived Friday around 4 pm and started fishing around 4:30. Fished till 8. Very windy and sprinkling off and on. Tough fishing but managed around 10 between us. Laura had 2 over 3# and a couple more 2 1/2#. I caught a 4 1/2# and a couple of 3# and 2#. No small fish. Light bite and with wind it was a challenge but big fish made the difference. They all jumped out of water repeatedly. Spent Saturday shopping with wife going to all the small towns around the area. Made it back around 4 again and we fished till 7:30 and then the rains started. Caught another 8 to 10 fish with all around 2/12 to 3 1/2#. Saturday night the rains and storms were all night and power went out around 11 pm and didn’t come back on till 4:30 am. Lots of lighting. This is a very nice lake, storms and off color water coming from creek may have made the fishing tough. All fish but 4 were on 1/16 weighted Senko in the middle of creek left of the launch in a 50 yard stretch. The others were on spinnerbaits about 15 feet from bank. Never a bite off the banks. Enjoyed seeing the Herons and was followed around both days fishing by what I think was maybe a pair of beavers.