May 02 2021
Stephen Ford
Reservation Number : 28264
Property Name : Shady Grove
Reservation Date : 05/01/2021 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 21 - up to almost 6lbs
Lures Used : Mostly frogs
I arrived about 1:00 knowing I would only have about 4 hours to fish.
I knew from the description and reports that this would be good frog fishing practice. That was my concentration most of the day. I landed most bass on the frog. One thing I noticed early was that I wasn't “missing” many of them like is typical with frogs. They were all getting hooked, at least for a short while. I lost several in the vegetation at the bank, but they were keyed in on the bait and taking it with almost every explosion. The stickups and lily pads made it difficult to truly walk the frog, but I discovered a scoot scoot pause cadence delivered well. I also got a couple buzzing a Stanley Ribbit quickly.
During times when the explosions slowed down, I pitched a swim jig and Senko into areas with small clearings. I landed a few that way. I also lost and/or broke several since I still had to get them through the thick stuff at the bank with fluorocarbon. My advice to myself for next time….take only 2-3 rods, all with braid.
As the clock struck 5:00, I knew I needed to head home. Just then the rain started coming. Knowing the ground was already soft, I didn't want to let it get worse. I told myself I had time for 2 more casts. I'm glad I did. On the next to last, I missed a blowup. I threw right back to the same spot as the rain poured. Twitch, twitch, BOOM! Landed her and weighed a 5lb 15oz fish.
I weighed several throughout the day, all weighed were 3.5-4lbs. My best five were easily at 20lbs for the four hours I fished.
I can't wait to get back to Pattonville before the summer heat limits the bite. The cloudy day and cooler temps kept them hitting on top almost the whole time I was there. I want to duplicate it again soon.
A couple of things to remember for anyone planning to hit Shady Grove….braid, 4WD, rubber boots and long pants. There is probably no need to pack anything with treble hooks. You can park in the suggested spot between the first three lakes and spend several hours without getting far from your vehicle. The cows will move out of your way, but they might take some convincing and follow you all the way to your stopping point.
May 03 2021
Scott Quigley
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Great report Stephen, glad you got on the top water bite out there and congrats on that last fish, nice one!