Deer Trail May 1

May 02 2021

Wendell Vines


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Reservation Number : 28005
Property Name : Deer Trail Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/01/2021 PM - 05/01/2021 PM
Total Fish/Sizes : 21 / up to 3.5#
Lures Used : Many

Fished mist of the afternoon with my brother – first visit to Deer ateail, and his first fishing trip in a number of years.  Tried lots of different lures & presentations with slow results.  The fish we caught seemed somewhat reluctant, few agressive bites but were good fighters.  The setting is gorgeous, and access area is well manicured with gravel in strategic places.  Launch area gor club boat can be slippery after recent rains with heavy aquatic vegetation as noted in other reports – but no problem if you have a good paddle.