Tara delivers the goods despite the strong north winds

Apr 19 2021

Charles McCarble


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First of all, glad I have a brand new Ford 4 x4! The road heading to the lake had a couple of places where it had at least a foot of water over the road and pure mud from the rains the day/night before.You would have been turning around and heading home if you had a 2 wheel drive, there was now way of getting around it. The lake is full... the excess water is being pumped out by the overflow near the dam. It was a chilly 45 degrees and cloudy when my son and I arrived around 7:30. We stared our typical routine of trying to establish the “pattern” and best lure(s) to use for the day. We found that red (small) rattle traps, green baby brush hogs  and watermellon/red flake senko worms were consistently getting a ton of action. The females were staging in the shallows and when the sun came out the action was non stop. I stopped counting, but quite certain we had 30+, ranging from 2 lbs to just shy of 6 lbs.,only 4-5 dinks. I unfortunately lost the big one of the day near the dam. I got her right next to the boat and she came out of the water and spit the bait back at me. We had a great look at her, she was definately in the 6-7 lb. range. There was a 50-50 split between males and females. All were FAT and healthy and fought like hell! This is one of my most fun and productive trips on the PWF tour. Tara honey, you will definately be seeing me again!

A special thanks to Steve, Cole and all who make this possible!!!! Also to the land owners, what a super lake and nice property…...