Apr 19 2021
Mark Daugherty
Reservation Number : 27810
Property Name : Six O Ranch
Reservation Date : 04/17/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 66 including a big bluegill / 51 harvested
Lures Used : Most effective were: hard jerkbait, weightless and wacky senko
Saturday was cold and windy so we waited a while before heading to Cleburne. A lot of you know that Six O can be a beast when the wind is up. But we ventured out in the ranch’s pontoon boat anyway. It was basically unmanageable on the lower end of the lake so as we worked our way around counterclockwise we would occasionally beach the boat and fish from shore. All that being said we managed 65 bass with 51 of those harvested. Of those harvested about half were kind of runt bank runners – but all super fun of course. And just to show that you have to pay attention – Six O rewarded us when a big one took off with my wacky rigged Senko on a medium spinning outfit. The action was on – taking out line with multiple powerful runs before safely landing the 7.07. Other than the big girl (does not appear to have spawned yet), we had a couple in the 3+ lb range and a half dozen or so in the 2+ lb range. Most effective baits were a ghost shad patterned hard jerkbait and green pumpkin weightless Senko and watermelon red wacky Senko. Most catches came from the shoreline across from the boathouse in 3 to 9 FOW. Lake is low (I was surprised by that) and super clear. What a fun and rewarding day despite the cold front and mega-wind!