Triple J Ranch Sat 3.20.21

Mar 22 2021

Chris Harper


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Reservation Number : 27388
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/20/2021 All Day - 03/20/2021 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : 22 total up to 3 lbs
Lures Used : Swimbait, Spinnerbait and drop shot

I fished from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm on Saturday with my son making it for the afternoon. Water was muddy all over the lake surface temps were 64 degrees, and all the fish caught were very light-colored even if they were in the shallow water. I don't think any are on beds yet, or if they are, I didn’t catch any with signs of being on beds. All fish caught had a nice shape and full bellies. I didn’t catch anything big but had a great day catching 2 and 3 lb fish. A few of the under-sized fish were barely bigger than the bait they hit. White was the color that worked best on spinnerbait and swimbaits.

of the 8 culls, 4 were very small, and 4 were 13” long fish

I did donate a few lures to the fishing gods but nothing that brought a tear to my eyes.

You can’t beat how close this location is to Dallas might not be the most peaceful place, but I really enjoyed my time on the water.

Mar 23 2021

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for the report. We had 4 or 5 really slow reports last Fall. So, we took the shock boat down to Triple J last November and did a shock survey. The lake was full of 2-6 lb bass. Likely a top 10% shock we have ever had. I’m glad you had a solid day and know that lake has a large number of bigger fish. Not sure why they didn’t bite today. But they are in there. 

The light coloring is because the water is turbid, with visilibility at 12”-18”. Fish like other animals match their environment. Chocolate milk colored water will produce an almost white colored bass. Clear water produces very dark bass, which most fisherman associate with a “healthy” fish. The color of a bass has nothing to do with its health, only the environment in which it lives.

Thanks for the photos and fishing report. The reports really help us understand how to manage our waters.