Wildlife Paradise at Sandy Creek

Mar 20 2021

Bruce Bernard

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 27569
Property Name : Sandy Creek Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/19/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : Crazy numbers
Lures Used : Pretty much anything

I fished from 10:30-5:00 on Friday 3/20.  Sandy creek is a spectacular showplace with rolling hills lots of scenery and crazy numbers of fish!

I saw bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, Canadian geese, ducks of all types. Herons and cranes aplenty.  A real wildlife paradise.  I saw a bald eagle dive and catch a fish then drop it and return two more times trying to retrieve it while a smaller eagle circled along with it!

Now to the fishing!  I fished all three lakes and they were each very different.  It was 48 degrees and cloudy and breezy when I got started at the first lake.  I fished it for 2 ½ hours and caught a bunch of bass and some crappie.  Any direction you cast there was a fish on the line!  Tried three different lures and they all worked well.  Water was a pretty green with pretty good visibility.  Fish were mostly 13-16 inches with a couple over 3 and one a little over 4.

I decided to try the back lake.  Water was much more stained but decent visibility and when the sun came out you could see the whole bottom of the lake was one big bass bed.  The fishing was so good that I was actually surprised when I didn't catch a fish.  I fished for 2 ½ hours with tons of fish ( 70% harvest bass and no crappie.

I next moved to the middle lake.  Nada.  I only fished for 30 minutes but didn't have a single fish.  "Don't feel bad...two out of three ain't bad "

This is a great place to enjoy a day of fishing and just being outdoors.

Do you know how you really know you've had a great day fishing?  When you can't open your Iphone because the fingerprint pad reader can't recognize your thumbprints!

Mar 20 2021

Mark Daugherty


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What a day Bruce! Yeah, a seriously chewed up thumb is a fantastic sign! Thanks for sharing. 
