Mar 14 2021
Mark Daugherty
Reservation Number : 27017
Property Name : Nix Ranch: Lake TCU
Reservation Date : 03/13/2021 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 32 dinks to up to 3.63lbs / 13 harvested
Lures Used : all the power fishing search lures/techniques
Pam and I (yes, UTA grads) – fished Lake TCU and fought the strong, southerly wind like everyone else. It was wild and wooly at times on the north end of the lake in the 12ft boat, but we managed and had a great time as always at Dub’s place! We bounced around the lake mostly tossing moving baits (everything was moving!). We landed 32 bass and 1 warmouth sunfish. Bass were dinks to 3.63 lbs (4 @ 3+ and lots at 2+). Compared to this time last year, the bass were a little long and lean and not as aggressive on the take but I’m sure that will all be picking up in the next few weeks. Best baits were a flat-sided white/shad squarebill and a 3.8 white paddletail on a weighted underspin. Most productive area was mid-lake between the 3 islands in 7-8 FOW. Water was 62F and stained. Had a great time, can’t wait to get back out!