Windy Afternoon But Solid Fishing

Mar 14 2021

Rick Svoboda

Slot Fish

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Mike and I fished Moonshine Lake Saturday afternoon.  Was 66 degrees when we got on the water and it drizzled for the first three hours.  There was a pretty stiff south wind all afternoon.  The water temp was 65 degrees and water clarity ~3’.  We caught 39 fish.  Biggest was  5 libs.  Caught another than went 4 ¾ and we caught 6 more in the 4 lb range.  The rest were all solid 16” to 18”.  We harvested 3 fish, but  its still hard for me to harvest a fat 15” bass.  No dinks.  Texas rigges fluke and Odham spinnerbaits fished slow were what worked.  Most of the fish were caught in the deeper water amoungst the trees.But we did catch some in 4’-5’ on the east side and in front of the dam.  Great road in and the views in this part of Texas are terrific.  Can see for miles.  Terrific lake and a great addition to the cliub.