Great Afternoon

Mar 07 2021

Rick Svoboda

Slot Fish

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Mike & I fished Tara Lake Saturday afternoon.  Air temp was mid 50’s with a light wind and sunny skies.  Just a beautiful afternoon.  Water temp was 57-60 degrees.  Water clarity was 6”-12”.  We had a great afternoon of fishing.  We caught 37 fish.  The biggest was 8 lbs.  Next biggest was 6 lbs.  We also caught seven that went 5 lbs and eight in the 4 lb range plus three huge crappies.  The bigger fish were really fat.  We caught a few dinks.  A waky rigged senko was what worked best around all the brush piles and between them.  Most fish we caught were in 6’-8’.  The other thing that was fun is I went way up the creek on the left.  Was surprised it was 3’-6’ in depth all the way back to a fence.  Didn’t catch any fish back there, but saw three hude otters play around and about 50-60 turtles sunny theselves up on one of the banks.  Also appreciate the boat ramp. Makes it very easy for us to launch and recover our little boats.  Mike had a nice chat with the landowner in the way in.  A real nice guy.  This is a beautiful property and a fun lake to fish.

Mar 08 2021

Scott Quigley


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That is a great afternoon of fishing, glad you got on lots of bigs out there!  Appreciate the report on the otters, will follow up with land owner on that, they are cute but can do a lot of damage.

Mar 08 2021

Rick Svoboda

Slot Fish

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Scott, did not know that about otters.  There were also two big ones out on the main lake on the east side as well.  Rick