A Warm Winter Afternoon at Hickory Creek - 12/10/20

Dec 11 2020

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 26695
Property Name : Hickory Creek Ranch Lakes
Reservation Date : 12/10/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 10 up to 3lbs
Lures Used : wacky senkos

Fellow member Ralph DeLeonardis and I met up at this beautiful club location at noon and had a relaxing afternoon of fishing. Ralph fished from the bank and I used my kayak.

We started on the smaller east lake caught 3 bass during the first two hours. The two biggest fish (2.5lb & 3lb) of the day were caught on this lake. At 2pm we moved to the west lake and finished the day, catching 7 bass (2 culled) in a 30 minute flurry just before the sun set. This late bite seemed to correspond as the resident eagles started to break the silence with their calls and the wind started to die down. All of these last fish were caught using a finesse wacky setup, by casting to the submerged linear ridge (that runs parallel to the shore) just outboard from the end of the fishing pier. All of the bites were soft and the bass sported a beautiful dark green coloring!

Of note, both tanks are down about 1', water clarity 3-4', water temps of 57f, with patches submerged grass out to about a 4' depth (the rim of grass is more extensive in the smaller east lake) and both sported some filamentous green algae.    
