Chilly Water

Dec 07 2020

Shane A. Beck


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Im hoping my brother in law will join as a member, so I took him as a guest. The weather was sunny, temp started around 42 at 0830 and warmed to low 50's early afternoon. The water was muddy as usual for this lake and the water temp ranged from 46 to 49 degrees.

We managed to catch 9 fish with creature style soft plastics and a very slow presentation. I found a small rock pile in 10ft water by the dam that had fish on it and was able to pull 3 off of that. The remainder came off lightweight C-Rig with 14" leader. This time of the year you have to watch your electronics, dress warm, slow down and match baits to the water and food source. 

As always, Im thankful to the land owner and PWF for making this experience possible!
