Nov 22 2020
Bob Scheidemann
Slot Fish
Met my nephew (visiting my son in Austin) and son at the gate at BlackJack Ranch at dawn with the intent to introduce them to the great sport of bass fishing. They picked up on it pretty quick and between us we caught 30 LMB and one bluegill (all released) over our full day session. They each caught 11 and I trailed them with 8 plus the bluegill. The largest was 17'. They had a great time and are looking forward to our next reunion.
Tank update: The water level is down about 4ft (the overflow drain pipe at the center of the dam is fully exposed as is the root ball of the willow tree in front of it). The far north part of the tank is partially exposed or contains skinny water holding small bass amongst grass/slime. A rim of grass still exists around the perimeter of the tank but is much diminished. Most of the dock is in open water and all of the PVC marker denoting the brush piles are above the water line. Water clarity is about 3-4ft. Of special note, we had numerous sightings of 4 - 5 large otters or nutria that were constantly moving back and forth between the large downed oak tree and the small dam by the pier. They were completely oblivious to our presence!
The bass were primarily targeting trig and wacky senkos, trig worms and the occasional nose hooked fluke. Some success was also had with a drop shot set up. Moving baits were totally ignored, as were topwaters thrown before sunrise.
Nov 22 2020
John Shepard
Slot Fish
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That is a colony of nutria with a large burrow under that tree. They are also hanging out on the cross-members under the pier deck.