A Pleasant Afternoon at Rock Chimney 10-16-20

Oct 17 2020

Bob Scheidemann

Slot Fish

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Fellow member Ralph DeLeonardis and I met up and fished this property right after the cold front moved through this area. We fished under clear windy skies (NE wind) from noon to sunset. Action was slow but steady with a brief bit (15 min) of fast action around 4pm. We each caught about 9 bass with Ralph landing two 17" bass and I managed one at 16.5"....the rest were dinks and I mean dinks (6-8"). Most of the action was within 10ft of the bank.

Ralph had most of his success with a grn pumpkin lizard & bubblegum senkos/flukes all trig weightless. I had most of my success with grn pumpkin ned rig set up. I also landed two with football jig with a Zcraw trailer. No action was had on any of the following moving baits (sq bills, spinnerbaits, swimjigs, chatterbaits) or on wacky, dropshot or crig set ups. All the action was in the main tank with no action in either creek (the north creek barely has any water in it).

Tank appears to be down another foot since my last report, filed this summer. Water temp 76F with up to 1.5ft of clarity. No significant grass was encountered.

Towards the end of the day I had a brief chat with Mr. Stanley, always enjoyable.

Till next time.
