Oct 05 2020
Jeff Woerner
Reservation Number : 26061
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 10/03/2020 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 4 small bass- 10in, 12in, 13in, 13in/3 small perch
Lures Used : Spinners, jerk baits, topwaters, square bills, chatter baits
Evening trip fished from around 4pm-7:15pm. Circled the lake and then fished spots in the middle. Caught all bass on the Whopper Plopper. The perch hit the roadrunner and oddly enough the whopper plopper. It was a windy evening driving in but this lake is well protected and was very calm.
I really like this lake because for it's proximity and it's scerenity. The fishing was about what I expected based on my first trip even though I fished longer trying to find bigger fish.
The camping at this site left me disappointed this time around. I'll send notes to the staff.
Oct 06 2020
Steve Alexander
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Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the update. This is an active cattle ranch and the lake serves as a water source for the cows. The cows kind of go poo where they want. Unfortunately, shy of fencing off the 2 acre camp area we can't keep them from pooing in the area.